Equipmant Main window

What is Equipmant?

Equipmant is a program designed for the Final Fantasy XI Windower. Equipmant is designed to create generate plain text files, or scripts, which are read by Windower. Equipmant makes equipmant macros, which are used to change equipment in game.

How does it work?

Equipmant generates plain-text files. These files are scripts (macros, essentially) that can be read by the the Windower and interpretted line-by-line. These scripts contain information that tell the Windower what to do. These equipment macros are telling the windower specific commands to change the current player's equipment, these messages are then sent to FFXI. However complicated that may sound to you, Windower scripts are actually executed faster than FFXI macros.


Equipmant was designed on Mac OSX, using a GUI toolkit called QT and so Equipmant is supported by: Microsoft® Windows® XP, Microsoft® Windows® Vista, Linux, BSD or any other Unix platform. These are the platforms supported by QT.


Equipmant is under the protection of the GPL License Version 2.0. See the license for more details. It is very important to understand the terms of this license if you wish to use any of this code in your software.

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